Wyl’s Milking & Task Stands
for sale…

Wyl’s stands are designed and built by a professional woodworker and goat breeder specifically for use with miniature dairy goats. The aesthetically pleasing design has been developed with comfort and practicality in mind. They are sturdy yet lightweight and easy to move.

Stands can not be shipped and must be picked up at Old Mountain Farm>

PLEASE make note, stands are Only available by special order
Wyl doesn't have a stockpile in his shop :o) 
Wyl usually has about a month each winter, usually after the new year when he has time to build them.

If you would like to order a stand, please email us at goatsnob@maine.rr.com

Stands are only sold unpainted for the price of $600.00

***Even the most ornery goat can be restrained by a Wyl's milking & Task Stands
making jobs such as hoof trimming easier

Designed by Wyl Smith
©2001-2023 Old Mountain Farm Enterprises.
All rights reserved.